Openings: The SPIRIT lab is looking for one self-motivated Ph.D. student (starting Fall 2025) who is passionate about exploring security and privacy issues in the software supply chain to join our team at UCF. Students with experience in software analysis, or vulnerability detection and mitigation are highly encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please feel free to send an email to with the subject line "Prospective Student [Your Name]", your research interests, and your CV. For more information about CS PhD program at UCF, please visit the program webpage!

Xueqiang (Brandon) Wang is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at UCF, where he is also a member of the Cyber Security and Privacy Cluster (CyberSP). Dr. Wang obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2021 from Indiana University Bloomington. Prior to that, he earned a Master's degree from IIE CAS in 2015 and a Bachelor's degree from USTC in 2012.

Dr. Wang leads the Security and PRIvacy for smarT systems (SPIRIT) lab at UCF. His recent research focuses on the security and privacy of the software supply chain, with growing efforts to technically identify issues, understand their impact on end users, and create developer-centered solutions to mitigate them. He is also interested in mobile and IoT systems security and cybercrime analysis.


  • (09/2024) One paper on software privacy compliance is accepted to USENIX Security 2025.
  • (08/2024) I will serve as a PC member of AsiaCCS 2025.
  • (08/2024) I will serve as a PC member of USENIX Security 2025.
  • (05/2024) Together with colleagues at FAU, USF, and FIU, we provided a 9-day hands-on training for developing a workforce in secure, resilient cyber-physical energy systems.
  • (05/2024) One paper on the privacy compliance risks of the software supply chain is accepted to USENIX Security 2024. Congrats to Yifan and Zhaojie.
  • (03/2024) One paper on a new authentication method for voice-enabled IoT devices is accepted to IoT-J. Congrats to Sungbin (Bill).
  • (02/2024) One paper on the analysis of fake evidence (or misinformation) supply chains is accepted to EuroS&P 2024. Congrats to Zhaojie and Jingzhou.
  • (12/2023) I will serve as a PC member of the software security track at ACM CCS 2024.
  • (10/2023) I will serve as registration chair for ACM CCS 2024.
  • (09/2023) NSF awarded our collaborative grant led by FAU through the CyberTraining program.
  • (08/2023) I will serve as a PC member of EuroS&P 2024.
  • (08/2023) Welcome Jingzhou and Zhaojie to the team!
  • (07/2023) I will introduce cybersecurity and privacy to 8th-11th graders at UCF Camp Connect I.
  • (04/2023) Our paper on mobile dark user interface patterns is accepted to DSN 2023.
  • (03/2023) Our paper on software supply chain security is accepted to USENIX Security 2023.
  • (09/2022) Our paper on a large-scale analysis of IoT data exposure is accepted to USENIX Security 2023.
  • (07/2022) Our paper on the security of exposed cloud services is accepted to USENIX Security 2023.
  • (07/2022) I will serve as a PC member of ACNS 2023 (Applied Cryptography and Network Security 2023).
  • (03/2022) I will join UCF as a tenure-track assistant professor in fall 2022.
  • (09/2021) I will serve as a reviewer of IEEE Security & Privacy.
  • (01/2021) I will serve as a reviewer of ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security.
  • (12/2020) Our paper about malicious cross-library data harvesting (XLDH) attack is accepted by USENIX Security'21.
  • (06/2020) Our paper about the app-in-app paradigm was accepted by CCS'20
  • (04/2020) I have joined Amazon Lab126.